黃科量 NG, Ke Liang


NG, Ke Liang





I was born on the Malay Peninsula, where civilizations intersect along the monsoon winds. Situated at the crossroads of East-West geopolitics, Malaysia has long faced the challenge of integrating diverse religions, ethnicities, and cultures. My research focuses on how Malaysian and Southeast Asian Chinese communities resist assimilation, racial dominance, and exclusionary ethnic nationalism in their daily lives, and how they sustain religious, cultural, and identity practices.

My doctoral project, The Politics of Spirit Regeneration: Modernity, Religious Practices, and Ethnic Nationalism in Malaysian Chinese Communities, explores how resistance in religious ambience, commemoration, and ritual can promote democratization and redefine boundaries, memories, and identity of the imagined community. I employ ethnography, in-depth interviews, and historical analysis to capture the “lived experiences” often overlooked by Western theories and state-centric narratives. I am also extending my master’s research to study resistance and identity among Chinese language teachers and students in Malaysia’s assimilationist education system. Other projects include Interviews of the Lim Lian Geok Cultural Development Centre.


  • NG, Ke Liang (August 2024) The Making of Ethno-racial Memory Activism: Quasi-religious Mnemonic Mobilization, Post-memory Generations, and Malaysia’s Chinese Education Movement in Abeyance. 2024 European Sociological Association Conference. Porto, Portugal. (Oral Presentation)
  • NG, Ke Liang (April 2024) Organizing Playful Resistance: The Changing Political Context and Youth Activism in Malaysia’s Chinese Education Movement/Activities. 2024 Youth and Student Movements in East and Southeast Asia Workshop. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • NG, Ke Liang (January 2024) From “Chinese Problem” to “Mandarin Problem”:  Neoliberal Assimilation, Pragmatic Resistance, and the Ethnic Chinese Educators in Malaysia. 2024 NTU-UTokyo Joint Workshop for Young Sociologists. The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.


  • 黃科量(2024)活出林連玉精神:華教園丁的記憶工作,馬來西亞東方日報。
  • 黃科量(2023)如何反擊民粹主義?,馬來西亞東方日報。
  • 黃科量(2020)交織的不平等:重新檢視「種族固打制」與「高教私營化」的衝擊,潘永強主編,馬來西亞教育大未來第四冊,能力·素養·創造力——教育改革如何可能,雪蘭莪:大將出版社。
  • 黃科量(2018)國立教育體制是否促進國民團結?,潘永強主編,馬來西亞教育大未來第二冊,遲緩·停滯·低素質——迷路的中學教育,雪蘭莪:大將出版社。


  • 黃科量(2022)與中學生談社會學:社會如何塑造個人?個人如何改變社會?。馬來西亞大聖人文基金會線上通識微課程。
