研究領域:社會階層與社會流動Social Stratification and Social Mobility、組織社會學Sociology of Organization、社會網絡Social Network、宗教社會學Sociology of Religion
1995 | 哥倫比亞大學社會學博士Ph.D. Sociology, Columbia University |
1989 | 哥倫比亞大學社會學碩士M.A. Sociology, Columbia University |
1985 | 台灣大學歷史學學士B.A. History, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2007 – present | Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan台大社會系教授 |
2015 – 2018 | Dean, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan臺大社科院院長 |
2016 – 2018 | Deputy Executive Office, D-School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan台灣大學創新設計學院副執行長 |
2014 | Deputy Director, Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan科技部人文社會科學中心副主任 |
2009 – 2012 | Chair, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan臺大社會系系主任 |
2003 – 2007 | Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University 臺大社會系副教授 |
2000 – 2003 | Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan國立台北大學社會系副教授 |
1996 – 2000 | Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan國立中山大學副教授 |
1995 – 1996 | Lecturer, Department of Industrial Management, Chang Gung College of Medicine and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan長庚醫學及工程學院講師 |
- 蔣經國基金會博士論文獎學金1994
- 國立中山大學管理學院新人獎1997
- 國科會甲種獎 1995-2000
- 國科會傑出學者養成計畫2007-2009
- 國立台灣大學教學優良101, 103, 106學年度
- Editorial board, Chinese Sociological Review 2012-2016
- Member of Global Advisory Program, Yonsei University, Korea, 2007-2008
- 國科會教育學門複審委員
- 《臺灣社會學》主編2014-2016
- 臺大出版中心《臺灣社會學叢書》主編 2014-
- 《臺灣社會學》副主編 2005, 2012-2013
- 《臺灣社會學》編輯委員 2003-2004, 2007
- 臺大社會科學院院長Dean, College of Social Science, NTU 2015-2018
- 臺大社會系系主任Chair, Department of Sociology, NTU 2009-2012
- 科技部人文社會科學研究中心 副主任 2014
Orcid: (0000-0001-8484-5286)
Web of Science
Google Scholars:
Scopus Author ID: 48663094700
- 伊慶春、蘇國賢(2021年4月)主編。《改變中的基督信仰與社會:臺灣基督教會與基督徒的社會學分析》台北:臺大出版中心。。
- 蘇國賢、呂妙芬、章英華、黃寬重(2013年12月)。《學術自主與控管之間-臺灣人文與社會科學的學術專業化》(ISBN:978-986-03-9695-9)。台北:臺大出版中心 (google: 1)
Journal articles 期刊論文
- 蘇國賢(2020年7月)。臺灣個人核心網絡的變化:比較1997年與2017年的差異。《臺灣社會學刊》,67:63-134。(TSSCI)。
- Wei-hsin Yu, Lin, Zhiyong, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Parent-Child Coresidence and Experiences of Romantic Relationships: Evidence from Young Adults in Taiwan” Chinese Sociological Review. (SSCI, 21/147, google: 9, journal impact factor: 2.3) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21620555.2019.1596020
- Lin, Zhiyong, Wei-hsin Yu, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Comparing same- and different-sex relationship dynamics: Experiences of young adults in Taiwan” Demographic Research 40: 431-362. (SSCI demography 10/28, google: 11 journal impact factor: 1.478)
- Yu, Wei-hsin, Kuo-Hsien Su, Chi-Tsun Chiu . 2012. “Sibship Characteristics and Transition to First Marriage in Taiwan: Explaining Gender Asymmetries” Population Research and Policy Review 31: 609-636. (SSCI demography 19/25, scopus: 8, google: 25, WOS: 7, Journal Impact Factor: 0.610)
- Tsai, Wenpin, Kuo-Hsien Su, Ming-Jer Chen. 2011. “Seeing Through the Eyes of a Rival: Competitor Acumen Based on Rival-Centric Perceptions” Academy of Management Journal 54(4): 761-778. (SSCI management 2/168, scopus 60, google: 222, WOS: 50, Journal Impact Factor: 5.608 )
- Liu, Jeng, Arthur Sakamoto, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2010. “Exploitation in Contemporary Capitalism: An Empirical Analysis of the Case of Taiwan. “ Sociological Focus 43(3): 259-281. (SCOPUS, scopus: 7, google: 20)
- 蘇國賢,喻維欣 (2007) 台灣族群不平等的再探討:解釋本省/外省差異的縮減。《台灣社會學刊》第三十九期,頁1-63。 (TSSCI, google: 3)
- Chen, Ming-Jer, Kuo-hsien Su, Wenpin Tsai. 2007. “Competitive Tension: The Awareness-Motivation-Capability Perspective” Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 101-118. (SSCI business 1/72, scopus 246, google: 750, WOS:212, Journal impact factor: 5.017)
- Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-hsien Su. 2006. “Gender, Sibship Structure, and Educational Inequality in Taiwan: Son Preference Revisited.” Journal of Marriage and Family 68:1057-1068. (SSCI sociology 7/91; scopus 36,google: 100, WOS:34, Journal Impact Factor: 1.763)
- Tseng, Chr-Hung, Cher-Min Fong, Kuo-hsien Su. 2004. “The Determinants of MNC subsidiary initiatives implications for small business.” International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 1: 92-114. (Scopus 4,google: 18)
- 蘇國賢 (2004) 社會學學知識的社會生產:台灣社會學者的隱形學群。《台灣社會學》第八期,頁133-192。(TSSCI, google: 8)
- Ishida, Hiroshi, Kuo-hsien Su, and Seymour Spilerman. 2002. “Models of Career Progression in Japanese and U.S. Organizations.” European Sociological Review 18: 179-198.(SSCI sociology 34/93, Scopus 14, google: 53, WOS=14, Journal Impact Factor: 0.622 )
- Su, Kuo-hsien. 2000. “Organizational Demography, Wage Dispersion, and Employee Turnover: An Organizational-level Investigation in Taiwan.” Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Vol. 8 (International Issue): 21-46. (TSSCI, google: 1)
- 陳心田、蘇國賢 (2000) 影響員工流動的因素:我國科技公司之分析。《科技管理學刊》5(2) : 57-80。
- 蘇國賢,葉匡時,陳心田 (1999) 人口結構與組織績效:台灣企業之分析。《台大管理論叢》10:1-38。(TSSCI)
- 陳心田,蘇國賢,葉匡時 (1999) 影響企業人口組成的組織因素探討:台灣企業之實證。《管理學報》16: 581-612。(TSSCI)
- El-Bassel, Nabila, Neil Guiterman, David Bargal, Kuo-hsien Su. 1998. “Main and Buffering Effects of Emotional Support on Job and Health Related Strains: A National Survey of Israeli Social Workers.”Employee Assistance Quarterly 13(3): 1-18. (Scopus 24, google: 52)
- 蘇國賢,葉匡時,陳心田 (1998) 我國企業人口組成型態之分析。《管理學報》 15(2): 319-341。(TSSCI, google: 3)
- Ishida, Hiroshi, Seymour Spilerman, and Kuo-hsien Su. 1997. “Educational Credentials and Promotion Chances in a Japanese and American Organizations.” American Sociological Review 62(6): 866-882. (SSCI sociology 2/95, google: 152, Scopus 64, WOS: 57, Journal Impact Factor: 2.941)
- 蘇國賢 (1997) 產業自主性與市場績效:台灣地區產業結構之網絡分析。《中山管理評論》5 (2): 315-338。(TSSCI, google: 2)
- Schilling, Robert, Nabila El-Bassel, Andre Ivanoff, Louisa Gilbert, Kuo-hsien Su, and Steven Safyer. 1994. “Sexual Risk Behavior Among Incarcerated, Drug-Using Women.” Public Health Reports 109(4): 539-547. (SSCI public health 12/52, google: 85, Scopus: 59 WOS:41, Journal Impact Factor: 0.978)
- El-Bassel, Nabila, Robert F. Schilling, Joanne E. Turnbull, and Kuo-hsien Su. 1993. “Correlates of Alcohol Use among Methadone Patients.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 17(3): 681-686. (SCI substance abuse 1/9; google: 75, Scopus:53, WOS:45, Journal Impact Factor: 1.875)
Chapter in book
- Park, Hyunjoon, Hiroshi Ishida, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2023. “Inequality and Stratification in East Asia” in Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification, edited by Markus Gangl, Lucinda Platt, Javier Polavieja and Herman G. van de Werfhorst, New York: Oxford University Press.
- 蘇國賢、伊慶春(2021)。導論: 臺灣基督教會與基督徒的宗教社會學分析。載於伊慶春與蘇國賢(主編),《改變中的臺灣基督教面貌:臺灣基督教會的社會學分析》。(頁8-38)。 台北:臺大出版中心。
- 蘇國賢(2021)。職份、呼召或專業?台灣基督教傳道人的專業化。載於伊慶春與蘇國賢(主編), 《改變中的臺灣基督教面貌:臺灣基督教會的社會學分析》。(頁70-127)。台北:臺大出版中心。
- 伊慶春、蘇國賢(2021)。台灣傳道人的工作與家庭:衝突和調適。載於伊慶春與蘇國賢(主編), 《改變中的臺灣基督教面貌:臺灣基督教會的社會學分析》。(頁 128-168)。台北:臺大出版中心。
- 劉正, Arthur Sakamoto,蘇國賢(2017)。當代資本主義社會中的剝削:以台灣製造業為例實證分析 (由同作者發表於Sociological Focus期刊之Exploitation in Contemporary Capitalism: An Empirical Analysis of the Case of Taiwan一文改寫而成)。收錄於林宗弘、李宗榮主編《未竟的奇蹟:轉型中的台灣經濟與社會》(ISBN:978-986-05-4129-8)頁425-466。台北:中央研究院社會所出版社。
- 蘇國賢 (2014) 台灣基督宗派的人口組成與基督徒信仰行為之分析。收錄於伊慶春主編,《基督信仰在台灣:2010基督信仰與社會研究調查》頁187-246,台北:21世紀智庫。
- 章世佳、蘇國賢 (2014) 台灣基督徒之信仰認知、經驗與行為. 收錄於伊慶春主編,《基督信仰在台灣:2010基督信仰與社會研究調查》頁147-186,台北:21世紀智庫。
- Su, Kuo-Hsien and Lin Nan, 2014. “Status-based Differential Memory and Measurement of Social Capital: Recall Errors and Bias Estimations”, in Nan Lin, Yang-chih Fu, Chih-Jou Jay Chen (eds.), Pp. 64-80. Social Capital and Its Institutional Contingency: A Study of the United States, China, and Taiwan, London and New York: Routledge. (scopus:1)
- Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-hsien Su. 2008. “Intergenerational Mobility Patterns in Taiwan: The Case of a Rapidly Industrializing Economy.” in Hiroshi Ishida (ed.) Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Late-Industrializing Countries. The 2005 SSM Research Series, Volume 14, Sendai, Japan: The 2005 SSM Research Committee. (google: 4)
- 蘇國賢 (2008) 台灣的所得分配與社會流動之長期趨勢。收錄於王宏仁等編,《跨戒: 流動與堅持的台灣社會》頁187-217,台北:群學出版社。(NSC 96-2628-H-002-071) (google :4)
- Yu, Wei-hsin and Kuo-hsien Su. 2004. “On One’s Own: Self-Employment Activity in Taiwan.” in Arum, Richard and Walter Mueller (eds.). Pp.388-425. The Reemergence of Self-Employment: A Comparative Study of Self-Employment Dynamics and Social Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (scopus: 6 google:22).
Technical report
- 傅仰止, 蘇國賢, 吳齊殷、廖培珊, 謝淑惠 2018 台灣社會變遷基本調查計畫第七期第三次調查計畫執行報告 (google: 8)
- Laurie F. Derose, W. Bradford Wilcox, Andres Salazar-Arango, Gloria Huarcaya, Kuo-Hsien Su, Susana Ochoa, Javiera Reyes Brito. 2019 “Faith and Fertility in the 21st Century.” in World Family Map. Pp. 7-15. Charlottesville, VA: Institute of Family Studies.
- 蘇國賢 (2012) 社會網絡研究。瞿海源、畢衡達、劉長萱、楊國樞編,《社會及行為科學研究法》第二版,頁375-422,台北:東華書局。
- 蘇國賢 (2021) 第六章 社會階層化,陳志柔與林國明主編,《社會學與台灣社會》,台北:巨流圖書。(google: 7)