何明修 主編(左岸文化,2024)
Making Multiple Babies: Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction.
Chia-Ling Wu (Berghahn Books Press, 2023)
“This book is a fascinating and insightful read … The author presents the concept of “anticipatory governance” as a means of exploring the evolving regulation of IVF. This is very useful and something I will certainly apply in my own work.” • Andrea Whittaker, Monash University
Human beings have been producing more twins, triplets, and quadruplets than ever before, due to the expansion of medically assisted conception. This book analyzes the anticipatory regimes of making multiple babies. With archival documents, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and registry data, this book traces the global and local governance of the assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) used to tackle multiple pregnancy since the 1970s, highlighting the early promotion of single embryo transfer in Belgium and Japan and the making of the world’s most lenient guidelines in Taiwan.
何明修 (三民2023年出版)
黃克先 (春山2021年出版)
這種「在表面失序的邊緣人群中,發現不為主流所知的生活世界」 ,後來一直存在於社會學的傳統中。過去被認為如動物般活著的邊緣者,他們在內部擁有自成一格的次文化及社會秩序,互動也展現了特定規範與價值;而在種種「偏差」、「失序」行為的背後,其實也隱藏著人們所共有的愛、渴望、尊嚴、互助精神及意志。
改變中的基督信仰: 臺灣基督教會與基督徒的社會學分析
蘇國賢、伊慶春 主編(國立臺灣大學出版中心2021年出版)
陳志柔, 林國明主編(巨流圖書公司2021年出版)
Environmental Movements and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene.
Paul Jobin, Ming-sho Ho, Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao, editors(ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute press, 2021)
“This collection provides a powerful and sophisticated analysis of how environmental movements influence politics in Asia, and how politics influences movements.” — John S. Dryzek, Centenary Professor, University of Canberra
“This important book reflects the challenges and questions currently foremost in scholars’, activists’ and policy-makers’ minds―the Anthropocene, environmental justice, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and post-politics―all addressed through the lens of environmental movements in Asia. — Jonathan Rigg, Professor at the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol
“How have authoritarianism, democratization and political change affected environmentalism in East and Southeast Asia? How have environmental mobilization and demands for environmental justice at the grassroots influenced politics there? These are among the vital questions answered by this insightful and well-crafted volume.” –Paul G. Harris, Chair Professor of Global and Environmental Studies, Education University of Hong Kong
“This book shows convincingly that the concept of Anthropocene is as relevant in Asia as anywhere.” — Philip Hirsch, Emeritus Professor of Human Geography, University of Sydney
“Despite its claims to universality, the Anthropocene concept remains largely a Western phenomenon. This book is crucial in correcting this view by putting environmental movements in Asia center stage.” — Eva Horn, Professor of Literature and Cultural History, University of Vienna
做父母,為何變得這麼難?? 以親職焦慮為鏡,折射出當代臺灣的面貌。人們經常以為教養是個別父母的煩惱。然而,面對不確定的全球化未來、擴大的階級不平等,種種看不見的結構力量與社會界線,正讓當代父母集體感到焦慮與不安。 面對貌似不安全與不確定的未來,當代臺灣父母採取不同的教育與親職策略,試圖保障下一代的安康。弔詭的是,這些保安策略卻經常讓我們感到更不安全。 從拚經濟到拚教養,在臺灣「拚經濟」的時代中成長的父母,如今「拚教養」成為人生重點。 他們渴望擺脫體罰與聯考的陰影,成為與上一代大不相同的父母,同時也希望下一代在全球化的時代裡,更有能力與機會去探索世界。儘管這一代父母擁有比過去更豐富的教養資源,然而,教養這件事卻讓他們益發焦慮,不時懷疑自己是否做太少、做太多、做不好、做不對? 透過教養焦慮,看見當代臺灣 本書以親職焦慮為鏡,映現出臺灣在全球化脈絡中所面對的風險與挑戰,包括相對停滯的本地經濟與薪資、與全球資本主義更緊密的連結與競爭、產業變化的不確定性,而日趨擴大的階級落差正透過教養形塑許多孩子的不平等童年。 臺大社會系特聘教授藍佩嘉,延續她在《跨國灰姑娘》中對於社會不平等的觀察與追索,從城市到鄉村,深入田野訪談近六十個家庭,並到學校教學現場實際觀察,扣緊中產階級與勞工階級的差異,分析臺灣目前幾種主要的教養模式,追問為什麼父母會做出某種選擇,以及這些選擇對家庭與孩子的影響,是理解臺灣當代教養現況重要的田野報告。
何明修 (左岸文化2019年出版)
Challenging Beijing’s Mandate of Heaven .
Ming-sho Ho (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2019)
In 2014, the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan grabbed international attention as citizen protesters demanded the Taiwan government withdraw its free-trade agreement with China. In that same year, in Hong Kong, the Umbrella Movement sustained 79 days of demonstrations, protests that demanded genuine universal suffrage in electing Hong Kong’s chief executive. It too, became an international incident before it collapsed. Both of these student-led movements featured large-scale and intense participation and had deep and far-reaching consequences. But how did two massive and disruptive protests take place in culturally conservative societies? And how did the two “occupy”-style protests against Chinese influences on local politics arrive at such strikingly divergent results?
Challenging Beijing’s Mandate of Heaven aims to make sense of the origins, processes, and outcomes of these eventful protests in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Ming-sho Ho compares the dynamics of the two movements, from the existing networks of activists that preceded protest, to the perceived threats that ignited the movements, to the government strategies with which they contended, and to the nature of their coordination. Moreover, he contextualizes these protests in a period of global prominence for student, occupy, and anti-globalization protests and situates them within social movement studies.
Raising Global Families: Parenting, Immigration, and Class in Taiwan and the US.
Pei-Chia Lan (Stanford University Press, 2018)
Public discourse on Asian parenting tends to fixate on ethnic culture as a static value set, disguising the fluidity and diversity of Chinese parenting. Such stereotypes also fail to account for the challenges of raising children in a rapidly modernizing world, full of globalizing values. In Raising Global Families, Pei-Chia Lan examines how ethnic Chinese parents in Taiwan and the United States negotiate cultural differences and class inequality to raise children in the contexts of globalization and immigration. She draws on a uniquely comparative, multisited research model with four groups of parents: middle-class and working-class parents in Taiwan, and middle-class and working-class Chinese immigrants in the Boston area. Despite sharing a similar ethnic cultural background, these parents develop class-specific, context-sensitive strategies for arranging their children’s education, care, and discipline, and for coping with uncertainties provoked by their changing surroundings. Lan’s cross-Pacific comparison demonstrates that class inequality permeates the fabric of family life, even as it takes shape in different ways across national contexts.
Leverage of the Weak: Labor and Environmental Movements in Taiwan and South Korea.
Hwa-Jen Liu( University of Minnesota Press, 2015)
Comparing Taiwan and South Korea strategically, Hwa-Jen Liu seeks an answer to a deceptively simple question: Why do social movements appear at different times in a nation’s development?
Despite their apparent resemblance-a colonial heritage, authoritarian rule, rapid industrialization, and structural similarities-Taiwan and South Korea were opposites in their experiences with two key social movements. South Korea followed a conventional capitalist route: labor movements challenged the system long before environmental movements did. In Taiwan, pro-environment struggles gained strength before labor activism. Liu argues that part of the explanation lies in an analysis of how movements advance their causes by utilizing different types of power. Whereas labor movements have the power of economic leverage, environmental movements depend on the power of ideology. Therefore, examining material factors versus ideational factors is crucial to understanding the successes (or failures) of social movements.
Leverage of the Weakis a significant contribution to the literature on social movements, to the study of East Asian political economies, and to the progress of the comparative-historical method. It enhances knowledge of movement emergence, investigates the possibilities and obstacles involved in forging labor-environment alliances, and offers the first systematic, multilayered comparisons across movements and nations in East Asia.
蘇國賢, 呂妙芬, 章英華, 黃寬重 編輯(國立臺灣大學出版中心2014年出版)
Re-negotiating Gender: Household Division of Labor when She Earns More than He Does.
Lake Lui (Springer Press, 2012)
In Chinese societies where both “money” and “gender” confer power, can a woman’s economic success relative to her husband’s bring about a more equal division of household labor? Lui’s qualitative study of “status-reversed” Hong Kong families, wherein wives earn more than their husbands, examines how couples re-negotiate household labor in ways that perpetuate male dominance within the family even when the traditional gender expectation that “men rule outside, women rule inside” (nanzhuwai, nuzhunei) is challenged. Going beyond the dyadic negotiation of household labor, this important study also explores the role of “third parties,” namely the couples’ children and parents, who actively encourage couples to conform to traditional gender norms, thereby reproducing an unequal division of household labor. Based upon the experiences of families with stay-at-home dads, Lui further identifies a new mechanism of deconstructing gender, by which couples concertedly construct new norms of “work” and “gender” that they maintain through daily interactions to fit their atypical relative earnings. As a result, there are sparks of hope that both men and women can be liberated from a set of traditional social norms. Re-negotiating Gender: Household Division of Labor When She Earns More than He Does is essential reading in the fields of family and gender studies, sociology, psychology, and East Asian studies.
你所見到的這本書,是台灣近年來最好看的報導文學,也是一本討論外籍幫傭在台情況的學術鉅作。它獲得多項首次頒給台灣人的重要國際學術榮耀,更受到國內中研院與國科會的肯定。之所以說它是本學術論文,是因為它的下筆嚴謹;說它不單純是一本學術論文,因為它真的如同小說一樣好看。翻開它,藏匿在台灣日常生活背後的故事,就會如同電影般在你眼前展開。 這本書說的是女性外籍幫傭來到台灣的故事。自1992年起,一批批的家務移工憑著勇氣,飄洋過海來到全然陌生的島嶼,僅僅計算登記有案的家務移工,就已經超過16萬人。她們以短期契約的過客身分,在台灣社會的邊緣角落裡默默工作,維持著台灣社會的「現代生活」,但是,一般雇主只把她們當成「用玩即丟」的勞動力,無法享有公民權,甚至基本人權。 在這些隻身來台的家務移工眼中,我們熟悉的場景與畫面,都轉變成另外一種面貌:對於剛到台灣Vanessa來說,中正機場是一個通往未知的起點,高速公路邊的叢叢樹林,隱藏了無法想像的恐懼。對於Tiwi來說,Qoo果汁是她照顧的台灣小孩最愛的飲料,也是她用來寄往國外、向女兒表達母愛的補償工具。每一個家庭屋簷下,都有一則從未被說出的故事,連接著台灣新富雇主和來自東南亞的家務移工。 從馬尼拉到台灣,走過台北火車站、中山北路,一直到家中的廚房與臥室,台大社會系副教授藍佩嘉訪談了58位菲律賓、35位印尼女性幫傭,讓我們深刻地瞭解她們的命運與想法,是第一本完整介紹外傭生活的報導著作。作者也採訪了51位僱有外籍幫傭的男、女主人,讓我們得以省思,自身家中的的親子與夫妻關係,其實如此脆弱。 本書最初於2006年在評選嚴格聞名的杜克大學出版社(Duke University Press)以英文出版,獲得美國社會學會性?別研究年度傑出書籍獎、國際亞洲學者會議社會科學最佳書籍等獎項。經過三年之後,藍佩嘉以反璞歸真的母語,重新改寫《跨國灰姑娘》,以淺白易懂的文字和大量的真實故事,呈現給台灣的讀者。如作者自言,這本書希望不只是以理論語言說服他們,更希望以呈現不同人群的生命故事,讓讀者感動。
Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan.
Pei-Chia Lan (Duke University Press, 2006)
Migrant women are the primary source of paid domestic labor around the world. Since the 1980s, the newly prosperous countries of East Asia have recruited foreign household workers at a rapidly increasing rate. Many come from the Philippines and Indonesia. Pei-Chia Lan interviewed and spent time with dozens of Filipina and Indonesian domestics working in and around Taipei as well as many of their Taiwanese employers. On the basis of the vivid ethnographic detail she collected, Lan provides a nuanced look at how boundaries between worker and employer are maintained and negotiated in private households. She also sheds light on the fate of the workers, “global Cinderellas” who seek an escape from poverty at home only to find themselves treated as disposable labor abroad.
Lan demonstrates how economic disparities, immigration policies, race, ethnicity, and gender intersect in the relationship between the migrant workers and their Taiwanese employers. The employers are eager to flex their recently acquired financial muscle; many are first-generation career women as well as first-generation employers. The domestics are recruited from abroad as contract and “guest” workers; restrictive immigration policies prohibit them from seeking permanent residence or transferring from one employer to another. They care for Taiwanese families’ children, often having left their own behind. Throughout Global Cinderellas, Lan pays particular attention to how the women she studied identify themselves in relation to “others”—whether they be of different classes, nationalities, ethnicities, or education levels. In so doing, she offers a framework for thinking about how migrant workers and their employers understand themselves in the midst of dynamic transnational labor flows.