Kuo-Hsien Su

Kuo-Hsien Su


Research Interests:Social Stratification and Social Mobility; Sociology of Organization; Social Network; Sociology of Religion
Personal Page

Self IntroductionEducation and EmploymentPublications

Kuo-Hsien Su, PhD (khsu@ntu.edu.tw), is a Professor of Sociology at National Taiwan University. He earned his undergraduate degree in History from the same institution before pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University, where he obtained both his M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology. He served as the dean of the College of Social Science at National Taiwan University from 2015 to 2018.

His research spans diverse domains within sociology, encompassing social stratification, social networks, sociology of religion, and sociology of organizations. His publications appear in journals such as the American Sociological Review, European Sociological Review, Research in Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Journal of Marriage and Family, and Academy of Management Journal.

Currently, Dr. Su is engaged in crafting a comprehensive book on social mobility in Taiwan while actively participating in a comparative survey endeavor across East Asia, titled Global East Religiosity and Changing Religious Landscapes.


1995Ph.D. Sociology, Columbia University
1989M.A. Sociology, Columbia University
1985B.A. History, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan


2007 – presentProfessor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 – 2018Dean, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 – 2018Deputy Executive Office, D-School, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2014Deputy Director, Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 – 2012Chair, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2003 – 2007Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University
2000 – 2003Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan
1996 – 2000Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1995 – 1996Lecturer, Department of Industrial Management, Chang Gung College of Medicine and Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Selected publications

  • Yu, Wei-hsin, Kuo-Hsien Su, 2024. “Who Benefits from Elite Colleges’ Decreased Reliance on High-Stake Standardized Tests? Evidence from A Quasi-Field Experiment.” Research in Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Journal Pre-proof.
  • Park, Hyunjoon, Hiroshi Ishida, and Kuo-Hsien Su. 2023. “Inequality and Stratification in East Asia” in Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification, edited by Markus Gangl, Lucinda Platt, Javier Polavieja and Herman G. van de Werfhorst, New York: Oxford University Press. (online)
  • Yi, Chin-Chun and Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), 2020. Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. (in Chinese)
  • Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2020. “Changes in Core Network Size in Taiwan: A Comparison Between 1997 and 2017 Surveys.” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 67: 63-134. (in Chinese)
  • Wei-hsin Yu, Lin, Zhiyong, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Parent-Child Coresidence and Experiences of Romantic Relationships: Evidence from Young Adults in Taiwan” Chinese Sociological Review 51(2): 173-206.
  • Lin, Zhiyong, Wei-hsin Yu, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Comparing Same- and Different-sex Relationship Dynamics: Experiences of Young Adults in Taiwan” Demographic Research 40: 431-362.

Edited books

Yi, Chin-Chun and Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), 2020. Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (in Chinese).

Journal Articles

  • Yu, Wei-hsin, Kuo-Hsien Su, 2023. “Who Benefits from Elite Colleges’ Decreased Reliance on High-Stake Standardized Tests? Evidence from A Quasi-Field Experiment.” Research in Social Stratification and Social Mobility, Journal Pre-proof.
  • Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2020. “Changes in Core Network Size in Taiwan: A Comparison Between 1997 and 2017 Surveys.” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology 67: 63-134. (in Chinese)
  • Wei-hsin Yu, Lin, Zhiyong, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Parent-Child Coresidence and Experiences of Romantic Relationships: Evidence from Young Adults in Taiwan” Chinese Sociological Review 51(2): 173-206.
  • Lin, Zhiyong, Wei-hsin Yu, Kuo-Hsien Su. 2019. “Comparing Same- and Different-sex Relationship Dynamics: Experiences of Young Adults in Taiwan” Demographic Research 40: 431-362.

Book Chapters

  • Hyunjoon Park, Hiroshi Ishida, Kuo-Hsien Su. (2023 April). “Inequality and Stratification in East Asia.” In Markus Gangl, Lucinda Platt, Javier G. Polavieja, Herman G. van de Werfhorst (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Social Stratification (ISBN: 9780197539514), Oxford: Oxford University Press. Apr, 2023.
  • Su, Kuo-Hsien and Chin-Chun Yi. 2020. “Introduction: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan” in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (in Chinese).
  • Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2020. “Calling, Vocation, or Profession? Professionalization of Clergy in Taiwan.” in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (in Chinese).
  • Su, Kuo-Hsien. 2020. “Work-Life Balance of Pastors in Taiwan” in Yi, Chin-Chun, Kuo-Hsien Su (eds.), Changing Christians, Changing Churches: A Sociological Analysis of Christianity in Taiwan. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press (in Chinese).