

Sociology TheoriesClassical Sociology Theories/
Contemporary Sociology Theories (choose one)
MethodologyAdvanced Social StatisticsSociology Research Method
Student-Professor DiscussionDiscussion (A)Discussion (B)
Substantive Courses*0-1 Course0-1 Course1-2 Course(s)1-2 Course(s)
OtherA. Choose your thesis advisor.
B. Thesis draft proposal.
*Substantive Courses are elective courses beneficial to writing and researching students’ thesis.

Courses Arrangement

The minimal credits to graduate from the Master degree of Department of Sociology is 24 credits. This includes 6 credits of Required Courses, 3 credits of Required Elective Courses, 15 credits of Elective Courses and 2 credits of Student-Professor Discussion (not included in the graduation credits). We suggest students finish the Required Courses and Required Elective Courses in the first year.

Advanced Social StatisticsRequired3First semester
Classical Sociology TheoriesChoose one3First semester
Student-Professor Discussion (A)*Required1First semesternot included in the graduation credits
Contemporary Sociology TheoriesChoose one3Second semester
Social Research MethodRequired3Second semester
Student-Professor Discussion (B)*Required1Second semesternot included in the graduation credits
Academic Ethics CourseRequired6 (hours)Finished before the degree exam
*Student-Professor Discussion (A)(B) are not included in the required 24 graduation credits. Students who teach Research Topic Courses with their thesis advisors can count the 3 credits as Elective Courses (Other).

Elective Courses Credits

  1. Elective Courses Credits include all the non-Required Courses in the required 24 graduation credits.
  2. Students should take at least three Elective Courses (Department), not including any Research Topic Courses.
  3. Elective Courses (Other) will only be counted as graduation credits after students have taken at least three Elective Courses (Department). Undergraduate courses can not be included in the graduation credits.
  4. According to NTU regulations, students must take the Academic Ethics Course themselves at Center for Taiwan Academic Research Ethics Education. Students will only be able to apply for degree exam after finishing the Academic Ethics Course.

Thesis Advisor

Students should consult their thesis advisors before registering for the third semester, and register with the advisors’ approvals. The thesis advisor is generally required to be a professor, associate professor, or assistant professor from the department. If necessary, a teacher from outside the department may be invited to advise, but a teacher from the department must also be co-advisor.

Students must meet one of the following conditions to ask a professor to be their thesis advisors:

(1)Students have taken the professor’s course.
(2)The subject of the thesis is highly related to the professor’s research interests.
(3)Before agreeing to be the thesis advisors, professors should ask students to propose a research project.

The aforementioned research project should include research motivation, research goals, literature review, methodology, research outline and references.

(4)Students should fill out the NTU Department of Sociology Thesis Advisor Form

Students can apply for changing their thesis advisors with the permission of the Department Chair.

Thesis advisors can terminate their advising duties with the permission of the Department Chair, under any of the following circumstances:

(1)Students neglect the advisors’ advises on course selection or thesis writing.
(2)Students lose contact with the advisors for a long period of time and without proper reason.
(3)Students change the thesis subject without the permission of their advisors.

Thesis Draft Proposal

  1. Students should propose their thesis draft no later than the third semester.
  2. After the thesis advisor approve the draft, students should attend the Department thesis workshop where another teacher would provide consultation.

Master Degree Exam

Students must pass the thesis draft proposal before applying for the Master degree exam. Students must finish the application two weeks prior to the degree exam. Students should choose the time for the exam according to the NTU schedule, and apply for the degree exam in the Department Office with necessary documents.

  1. The oral examination committees should consist of three to five people, with at least three people attending and one-third of the committees has to be non-Department of Sociology members. The student’s thesis advisor must not be the committee convener.
  2. For Master degree exam, the examination committee should consist of at least two members other than the student’s thesis advisor and co-advisor.
  3. Students should fill out the NTU Department of Sociology Master Degree Exam Application Form and Statement for Academic Ethics and Thesis Originality Form.
  4. If students already apply for the degree exam yet for some reasons could not finish the exam, they should cancel the application before the end of the semester (according to the NTU schedule). Students who neither cancel the applications nor finish the exam will fail the applied degree exam.