2024 Annual Meeting of Life Course Transitions in East Asia

The 2024 Annual Meeting of Life Course Transitions in East Asia was successfully held on June 15 and 16. Scholars from South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan gathered at the Department of Sociology at National Taiwan University. More than 30 scholars attended the event, coming from institutions such as National Taiwan University, the University of Tokyo, the University of Pennsylvania, and Sungkyunkwan University. In addition to the excellent discussions during the meeting, the post-meeting dinner also provided an opportunity for in-depth exchanges among scholars from the three countries.

The annual meeting focuses on research related to “life course transitions,” covering topics from education and employment to family formation.

In the education segment, this year’s presentations included research on intergenerational mobility in education, competition in higher education and issues of adolescent education such as cyberbullying and cram schools.

Research topics related to labor and employment included how unemployment experience and motherhood become disadvantages in labor market, as well as how student loans impact initial career choices in Japan.

Additionally, this year’s meeting explored social perceptions of divorce in South Korea and factors influencing fertility rates in Taiwan, among other family research topics.

(The Annual Meeting was co-organized by Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University; Taiwan Global Asia Research, College of Social Science, National Taiwan University; Taiwan Social Resilience Research Center, National Taiwan University)
